Political texts.
X 121125 3
L.A. in CA fire diasater. Sympathies. 14 years ago, I suggested using airplane fire extinguishing water with an adhesive. Firefighters in CA did this, but the fires continued, which is a threat to internal security. I suggested dividing the entire area with special fire lanes so that the fire would destroy only one area-the square…. read more »
X 040125 1
1/ V]Mike Jonson viwn victory as House Speaker. Congrate.By the way. Donad Trmp supoorot thih insitutiom. 2. GDP PPP havnt exzact singnifcant for rea estimaye on ec.wlfate, Hoewer, ///////india best looks than RF. rf.
X 121224 1
During 3 motnth Russia cuptured 1,5 sqkm UKR territory and hw lot blood & meat storms never will know exzact! Even Georgia tears already : enforsment & peace protestets. 2. Real economies in marches. polisy of BA very intresting.
X 091224 1
Moast serioslu top-point -losses in U-Russian conflict, In partiqulary D.Peskov confirmed 400 th losses ZN troops on Donetsk-Lugansk. and before Nov, F BBC-Medusa reported 80th R\roops in Ukr.as if Zelesky refused of *th losses of U\solgers.
X 181124
During few days Ykr caN O HIT LONG AGE MISSILES: aTTACKMS, sTORM -sKALPS. «Terr.intigrity». We have NK & RB. 2\2 Nobody remember Tilsit peace 1807 & Paris agrement 1856.
X 071124
If we sum here how 45th president named 3 court men in US S\Court — victory of GOP in fact — ‘re Great!. Unity Russia here don’t slep! 2. Cuold EU o join with new D.C.administration over #UKR? 3. During 45th my Georgian colleges Neit Greengich began wrote @Tromponomicks@ . Today about it we may… read more »
X 061124
Congratultions! после поражения в 16м Дж.Баден дал задание проанализировать ошибки. После проигрыша в 20м республиканцы подумали как выиграть у демократов. «В сухом остатке:» Никогда, не говорите «никогда.» В скобках замечу: гендер в политике минус, демонстрирующий архитектуру власти.
X 21124 1
As politishn Alex,Navaly from Kirov. Nevertheless, hiswife Julia may be head illing for Kremlin. Becuse Kremlin don’t rel manager enforsment \with proxi\ for Single Russia’ll problems too. 2. There is second tour campaign in Moldova, Sure’ll M.Sandu & she must decided Tirana’s issue. 3. G/prices’ll icease $2.729 per onces.
X 14.10.24 1
Once more «Stremousov». Super heavy Space X landed first sage beyund 5 attempta. This landed — large pace for Mars expedition as fact. Snal coutry Iasland in N\Europe saffereing out of Vulkan activity. Let’s calculate what more income to use this activity including enveroment not only clamite change fight!