twt- 130523

Выборы в Турции как пр.,так и парламента имеют непреходящее значение Но, если зд.они вышли на финишн.пр., то в США Camoaign yust start. 2\1. In my article, sened into «The economist» I campared Spain as a Islansd & RN supposed they to study Irland experiance, but Irland the Island actually!

The annonce about Russian plan to transit to long war as said #Podoliak`!ll led to Minsk the third. 2\2. R\managergroup put Prigojin at his place: 72 brigada failred, than #Ukr forses cleared flangs of him. So, Private firm Vagner on suspended. And in any cases Seret services’ll more work however they wauln’t to send staff into the front onpermement,



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