X 020225

start dutyes stories. Turnover $800Bn trade USD\Cananda annually.

But US\EU trade $1,5T. US deficit $300 BN with him. So, US hae $900BN import from EU (1500= x+ (x-300). IF WH emtered 10% dutes US budget’ll get $90Bn.

Here we hve coutrvers wth EU tax VAT on US export siad D.Trump. |20 or 25%).

2. R\min/High edicatoon refused magistr-bachalavr & convertation diplomas RF\EU & others. /next , need to return name since colege to tehnikum & protrehuchilsche. It’s Great!

3. Rosnano \Chubais ofice enemy of Unity Russsia\ become after Gazprom Staff — here «Efffect ofStremousovf.»


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