2024 Декабрь
X 261224
Durin Crismas peacekeepers on U no. but worst. 2. BTC took stability floor. Here need to see hoa Gold prices stability early. 3. on the postsov.spce Emraer hve 2 katastrofes during 2 yh. 4. India have first place on popolation and’ll go to second GDP in Asia.
X 241224 1
RN doctors revios, psihoterapy, psihologists must to know as to illinig as also tretment can to without medical means -special technik. So, possible they find aproches to say Rpresident. And comission came in to object Krassodar. Will Putin read report?
X 231224
When I wrote article abot NE Africa (with Yemen) have a $202 Bn GDP I supposed to invest 10-12BN evry Yh — And I’d had reiport to founders about 5-6% ec.growh during three yh. Just! So, I know one state who can ewercoming One trln.GDP near 5-6 Yh. Twist! 5-6 Yh ago in Moldova was… read more »
X 211224
Shutdown vaon’t in USA therefore curent finncial U.’ll cintinue. — It’s impotanat due to D.Trump have wn plan for develop ()here. 2. Sure Trump’s plan ()more participation USA in Europe cases. 3. Attack U.drone against Kasan turn attantion out of Krasodrskiy kray & may be downed 3 tankers in Kerch (). Ukr.have drones range 1800… read more »
X 201224
My devices don/t support F.A.contenet, Horror! Is Trumps’ suppose peacfull proc.inUkr beginning? 2\1. Sutarday night not end the light else! 2\1. Shytdown depedence from bipartisanian House solution under leadership speaker Mike Jonson, Previosly recrd was in 2018 35 days. I had a trip in Atlanta GA. PS. ВВП на дуу населения вЕС — «наши не… read more »
X 191224 1
X 181224
Nodern Tw-X sistm as a complex. & what if two twts change place. (I had apartment in Kyoto]Qyutaisy some \few\ time ago).