X 201023

One abstract from J.Biden’s speech how Kiwv stayed with braves poaple. US pesident joned hail to U.& I. also the strngthenen S\/border. 2\1/. These situations vey good for development political analiticks & mangament. Apprently: for preparing to the Forth WW. Nobodu denies — arms race in face.

The top line whta happen after USSA destroyed. 1/How do think -this qwestion for student of political science — why I elect population’s data term 2030 & 2036? Largest econom.problem also management growth tarde between China & EU. 2\2. Exceedance internal policy in RF fall down foreign polisy & S.Lavrov have go to N\Korea. Also H\right ombaducman have to attantion president about contitution rights Navalny’s advocates -for labor rights on profession.


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