X 030923

Iron raw ‘re whildrawing. 2\21. Каждый месяц «тихой сапой» призывают 20-25 тыс.мужчин в РФ. После 1й моббилизации Путин объявил о призыве 318 тыс. А где они? см.далее.

Да еще 25 февраля наступление начали150 тыс. NZ without Donetsk & Lygansk militions. So When said about 500th couple losses — it’s may be truth!. 2\2. One of result of sanction falire VTB & Gazprom , However VTB refused to pay additional tax fo corporation And RN noobody speak about pay in Ruobles for R\grain. As of U.exported 4 ships with 300-350 th.tonns since 17 of Julay.

PS lat yh Smolenskaya sq. didn.t get invitation on Nobel prise award bit also didn’t inform sc\sosiety. Curently turnover. Therefore R\MID can to reduce staff — it’ll save budget money. Is it good idea?


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