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История Вятка Киров Хлынов. Золотая Орда. Деньги Древней Руси.

X 01022025 1

Around Ukraine. An additionl: Spaine revised to by R\sisizens prperty also Chech rep.revused to get citizenshhip here.

X 010225

RN we can ()said as sec.week of D.Trump was mote than (). By the way, Gold prices establihed on the new level more high. \It’s profit for Canada\. 2/ Save el\cables undground -expancive but if we put it on pipline — it’ll vet effective. 3. Baltic & Black seas () ew () of Se Law…. read more »

X 310125

RF need to nke bodues of deathes poeple over Washimgton’s aisrport . Unfortunatelly RF back amb.Antonov & new Amb.dont get Agreman\acces form StDep/ 2. US economy have grow more than E\zone. 3. is it correct as level of life in RF, Japan & India have equal data?

X 30/01/25/

Файловые обрывки ИИ. Пзор реальный. ().Проверено по т.»горячей линии».

X 300125

Condlesses for sportmens. 1\2. Fomer USS & Yogoslavia dportaiton as un law migratns. 1\3. Nevertheless, R\StatDuma haefinish\limit for migratiom lgislation lready. 2\1, Stock exchagees have usual sving — D\seek. 2\2. Sure development needs on a smal I\Rate. Mosc mortage build downed on 78% in J.

X 290125

If to sum GDP of Canada — in two time more than China almost. 2. Pototype s\sonic for 64 pass.& Strlink nework have sucsses test. Wlill preliminary order!

X 280125

D.Trump have control with HiTch cituation. Migration () on practic actions.

X 270125

beginning the sec.week of the 47th US president D.Trump. 2. «Columbiapictures presented. 3. On the gate of natzi camp Osventzem was sign: «Arbiten.» — to 80 yh aniversary. (RF delegation refused to attentd)/

X 260125 1

Imort. dudtes hve a large geoplitcal goal \as golf latent for me\, boost USD as World curency -moreover — US economy’ll heavy \expencive\. In pariculary: cars & product cars from M/ -Nessasry decreas.taxes for car industry & stimul export of it, including electicity.