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X 090824 1
RN candidates consist shedle sketch of debates. 3 TV companues will grante place for it. FN — means D.T. took manager of this procces. Kama Harris has calcuation on last debates. 2. Gaz Trnasit via last station Sudja ‘re continuing in previosly values. R\Health minister’s report about civilian wondered en apart military.
X 080824 3
3. The prtpose: keeping in K. 3. The main purpose to keep in K. .1. Украинцы смогли отвлчь внти ри Иран-Ираиль конфликта. 2. М-ц август для рос.кэоники тяжелый траиционно. Берегитесь. В.Путин перестрах. уже начал.
X 060824
Where is san. zone — Vl.Putin was hope? 2. D.Peskov triyerd say «the law goal». 3/ Iran said to Russia about non-profit escalation.
Today evn.\ll comment Atlanta meeting. 2/ Nali — Ukr as West alianses forward against Veger Russian. /3. Afte RCbanr propasal int.payment BTC faelt down, 4. WTI before $72 & US energe \ll resreve, but low price don/t profir to Sh., Coinica, US oil. Will Saudi Arabia invite Putin-Novak for talks?
X 040824
GA — largest political field for game! 2. Why V.Putin don’t a shy? PS. China have dilema RN: interal consumer or investment for export.
X 030824
When & where\ll debats of US campaingn candidates? 2/ Ukr.forses used Cremia bridj as means for exsotishin of defense air. 3. Will Krasikov Vadim Evg.Prigojin second? 4. at the 22th og J/son Saratov\s gov died on the rule of car whitch 1 month havn\t registration. Sympathies. It.s not #Juandex GO!# 5. Putin\s fr. Mihkslkov send… read more »
X 020784
Agent’s work in intelegence was great always. But RN electronic sosiety & enverm does it Couter work amost pespective minimum. However, Lubiabka dont arest men who give flashka to Poul Wilan & want give information in N/Tagil. Therefore, it was special operations. We’re sympathies to M.Pesekian newIranioan president. Procces change was under control W.H. Joe… read more »
X 010824 1
Ch.X-tw was early: Говорят: подозреваемый тнется от злого /evil/ следователя к -доьброму /kind/. -Комм. Это когда затылок раскалывается между ушей. 2. Congrtulation E.Gersgkovitch & Poul Wilan!
X 310724 1
1/2. Russian govebrmnet saved R400Bn for Small (0., & V/Putin desided spend it in vages for solgers. -10tn troops omly. 2/1. Cleaning procces in Rissia? Regios: Sebiri & Far esat became task areas for Center.
X 280724
1/ Страсти вокруг О-24 накалются, а все из-за политических разборок, в основе сворой зиждущихся на Укр.проблеме. 2. Сеть допускает утечку, когда () КНДР ув.ВВП на 3% 23/22. 5млн.снарядов в обмен на угледороды и продукты (). 3. Пеновый скандал инспирован против WB -, Р.Кадыров, наверняка, в курсе, если не )(. 4. At the next week oli… read more »