twt- 20523

G7 \some yhs ago was GEight\ are contiunng straggle! 2\1. Annonsed coutrofencive ‘ll in the diferances directions where NZ forses build fortification.

Appendix shows transit to second collection.


Tbilisi have a protests agains air way with Russia. Private firms demostrated power potencial us usually. 2 ]2. Children and war -biggest term-topic. S.neverov usynovited sun when was Tx Sotry, M.Lvova-Belova adoptdauther in 2022. Artsits from CA Angelina Doly have 3 adopt kids! |Total 6|.

Dm.Medvedev as a law on family law must to advise Unity Russia about consequses & develop on in branch in war condition. But now! Manger groiup havn’t mind about uvenal yustice!

PS. Volod.Zelensky told in Jilda about suitation of tatarian populations in Cremia. So, Donbass people will be problem after war \911(1)\. They have pasports of RF.


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