Twt Тв 011222

CСамый боагтый член правтельства РФ не сможет реализовать свое «численное преимущество» в Е, Америке. Да и в Азии к нему удут оносится предвзято. 2\1.Сумма ден.активов, замороженных на счтеах в Е.,составляет $\E319Dn — that 2\3 bundesbudjet, Byung for soail & recovery support in U may to do in EU. It’ll help economical growth in Europe. Not only cement, car fro desables, medcal car high tech & It-devices.

Realationship between RF-USA has been suffer without YS ambassador on Novinskiy bulbar (nera Kudrinskay square) due went J.Sallivan in Washington D.C. It was since so-called «Donetsk libertad operatiom». 2\2. R\ power\media are recognasing influence sanctions how it help to divorce economical develpment.


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