Twt 160622

This is gaz attack with back sign: a) begin visit triangle leader into #ukr; b) #izr — #egipt cooperation may be reflect on Gaza sector.

2/ Go on. @ vertical lines below:

Although #ukr against (UStresuary suspended enter sanction against banks — Sber, VTb, VEB, MCB, Alfa-b.etc before the 5th of Dec) Ryssian tresuary report about $60 for budget nessasaty. Less- worst. But banks sistem’ll under information pressing. Amazing how hygrogenius money dos on war against povetry struggle.

II. Z — have military growth: under threat to close duble ring ukr froses, attacking counterhits wildrawal out of surronding. Z held focused & concentration troops. 2. At this time Denis Pushilin spend time in SPb on Economical #forum. Strange how he’ll studt zomby hun.


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