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These scintific injeniring.
- Vl.Zemnsky made pace to meet peacfull pro via … Krusk. So, Kyiv’ll good relationships with new power in WDC affer innaugartion D.Trump.
the photo on the side shows the flame of the correction nozzle of the 1st stage SuperHeavy SpaceX company engine, which was made for the purpose of capture by a robotic manipulator. This know-how allows not only to save fuel, but also to abandon soft landing engines, which even the parachute system does not help much. It is important. All these measures significantly save the company’s funds and such an indicator as the cost of withdrawal of 1 kg.parametr it becomes distinctly lifting into orbit. For GA students.
3. Повышение обласночти неба с ц.уменьш.солнечн.радиации вызвало кртику ввиду повышения иска осадков — наводнени в этом году в Е.-тому подвеврждения. Но увеличивать облакообразование можно в зоне Эниньо Антаркдие, в Красном море во время пылевых бурь — для этого нужны огромн.компьютерные мощности пр.
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