2024 Ноябрь

X 301124

M.Police hiting nighr clubs — withoutleaderships Unit Russia enforsment seeks cases himself. 2. Just techs here. 3. Installing the rocket to the launch position is also a gain in the traction capabilities of the engines. See previous tweet\. SpaceX’s «propulsion sheaf» in’st to be confused with «propulsion polygamy» as it occurred to me after posting… read more »

X 291124

US economy hae surplus on Finservice, air-spce & high edication. \1\. For inprove miltary narket need to create demend on develop countryes, including police eqvikments. \2\.

X 28112024

If first colltion to comment — need to wrighte paperreport\ nvel ]political\, but the socnd nore completelly ! Here joint institutions & evoution.

X 261124

Among kursk soldgers in K\ark neing Sirian, Nepal, jemens, Cubinian ets. D.Trump goinig tk enter iport duties apart China — Mexica & Canada as well as for defense inside market. At this time it’ll — flow capital in custom trrr.USA.

X 251124 1\3

These scintific injeniring. Vl.Zemnsky made pace to meet peacfull pro via … Krusk. So, Kyiv’ll good relationships with new power in WDC affer innaugartion D.Trump. the photo on the side shows the flame of the correction nozzle of the 1st stage SuperHeavy SpaceX company engine, which was made for the purpose of capture by a… read more »

X 24112024 1

Mostlt arge army Chineese than India. And NK army most than Ukraine. Until Ukr have control 800 Sq.km inK. 2. V.putin signed «Chidfree»law. So, I have a moral right use it for defnse right my children, K.manager group must recovery social funtions my kid — first results mut be appear at the 20th of Jh…. read more »

X 241124 1

Will esxalation reach atom limit?

‘X 201124

2. If you want peace, prepare for war. \Parabellum\ (latins). In the context of transition in D.C., it was not bad for the Kremlin to take several steps towards it. I’m not talking about a unilateral cease-fire or a moratorium on electricity strikes, etc. Although there are no reports on the use of NK soldiers… read more »

X 191124

2\1. If West forget Belarus but Lukashenko recalled, Here reelect in 2 m.&1 week. 2\2. Kremlin with nuclear mesegers’ll create dificultes for WH after th 20th of J. E.I. for the next political period determinat atom agenda.